#Day1 Information Point


December. After few days from our inspiring talk, Panikos called KOKEN office and arranged an appointment to have the first approach with the Youth Club itinerary. Indeed, as a next step, the candidate new Youth Club has to communicate with ΚΟΚEN, meeting a ΚΟΚΕΝ officer at the NGO’s headquarter.

Maria Panayiotou from KOKEN (she is our tutor in the project #timeforsomethingnew) gave all the practical information about how a Youth Club under KOKEN looks like:

  • It has to be not religious not politically involved: it can collaborating with charity religious project but it cannot be militant in support of a political or social cause);
  • It is not compulsory having a physical space to settle the Youth Club, even if a meeting point can be useful: it can be a member’s house, a cultural center, a Καφενείο (Coffee Bar);
  • One of the representatives of the YC has to be responsible for a bank account (for eventually money transfers and expenses covered)
  • It is necessary to be organised with an annual program: planning activities, budgeting, pursuing their ethical goals.
  • Drugs and violent behavior have to be forbidden within the club.

After the meeting, the team received an Evaluation questionnaire to fill. With a plan, an agenda, ideas about their future events, promotions, how to gather volunteers, and how to implement the rural and metropolitan area of interest.  A questionnaire and a list of at least 20 names, 20 participant in this new enthusiastic group.

Let the games begin!

January. It didn’t take us long to figure out what to do. We created a chat group with all the friends willing to join Panikos in this adventure and yes, they were already 20!

Almost half of them asked for a second meeting and joined Maria at the KOKEN office, for all the clarification regarding the Association’s rules and the terms and conditions, plus pieces of advice that the group needs for the questionnaire.

Once discussed about all the principles and the agenda, we voted the name: it is ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΝΕΟΤΗΤΑΣ Η ΠΑΡΕΑ (ΠΡΑΚΣΗ-ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗ-ΡΕΑΛΙΣΜΟΣ-ΑΔΕΛΦΟΣΥΝΗ which means Action, Solidarity, Realization, Brotherhood)

It’s time to submit the form and wait from the Evaluation Process.

Are we going to be accepted from KOKEN?

Finger crossing!!

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